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Writer Ben Kearvell doesn’t worry about defeat


What am I not? Hard to say. Publishing a book has inflated my ego. Sometimes people have to remind me that I’m not Philip Roth or Virginia Andrews… That said, I don’t look like a writer—I think. I’ve got more of a disgruntled-gym-teacher/veteran-garbage-collector thing going on.

What don’t you read?

It’s nice to pick up a book that isn’t smothered with critical acclaim—quotes, etc. Critique has become industrial. Books are read for you, you need only agree with what’s said about them. It’s a shame. But my book rules!

Before you branched into writing, you were a part of Adelaide band Explosive Abortion. How wouldn’t you describe the music you guys made?


Why didn’t you continue with music?

There’s always music in my head. It’s probably best that I can’t hear it. Why ruin it?

You get around in a wheelchair. What don’t most people realise about life on wheels?

A lot of people assume my name is ‘Matey’, or that people in wheelchairs prefer to be called ‘Matey’. I for one have very little sea-faring/nautical experience.

Your debut novel the Meaning of Manuel has just been released. What wasn’t writing a book like?

It wasn’t normal in any sense of the word I’ve considered previously. I had to accept failure; I had to be open to failure. The first draft of the book was all about failure. It really is something to work regardless of ‘success’; to say, ‘I’m just going to do this and see what happens’. It was important for me to admit defeat, potential or otherwise, and just get on with writing.

What about the process of getting published for the first time – how wouldn’t you describe that?

It ain’t thorough, that’s for sure. You make it up as you go along. Self-publishing was really the only option. The Meaning of Manuel is experimental in form—though it’s not a form I’ve invented. It has very little commercial potential, at least at this point. A book must be ‘agreed’ upon before it gains real commodity value. That’s they way it goes. Somebody in the right place, where ever that is, has to accept it, give it an angle, a point of view or a meaning. Until then, take my word for it— my book rules!

To finish, could you give us an anti-blurb of the Meaning of Manuel?

Six people who understand each other completely and certifiably, without recourse to philosophy, art or humour, meet a seventh, who is utterly beyond scrutiny and not symbolic of anything.

Thanks to Ben for participating – to keep up with all things Ben and buy his book go here 

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